We’re back, with another Behind The Scenes Post

Today we’re sharing from Blue Noise Collection
Blue Noise is a collection inspired by and highlighting noise pollution in the ocean. Noise pollution is an invisible pollutant but it affects oceanic wildlife greatly. It is caused by man-made noise in the ocean such as military sonar, oil exploration and industrial shipping. Noise can travel great distances in the ocean it can affect wildlife by preventing marine animals from hearing their prey, interfering with the ability to find a mate and finding their young.

This collection is mainly comprised of off-cuts and deadstock fabric. It all started with a shipment of 20kg of denim off-cuts sent to us by a Portuguese garment factory.


We then made a mood board and then proceeded to do some sketches


After we send our sketches to our seamstress the lovely Fatima, and she starts drafting our patterns. Once the patterns are done its time to cut and sew.


We are always trying to innovate and find new ways to cut back on our fabric waste. The stuffing for our Mawson Vest was made out of fabric scraps. We first start off with some small scale tests to identify the best method and then we move on to doing it full scale.


It’s photoshoot day!

Our Photographer is the lovely Marcia. We had two interns assisting on this shoot Marie and Amber. We shot on the beautiful Praia da Califórnia


As always we had a lot of fun.

Here are some photos by Marcia


You can see more in our shop page

And that’s it!


Raquel, Sofia and Marie

Big thanks to

Marie and Ambre